Being human is a great privilege. We are endowed with the incredible gift of the power to consciously create our own reality. We are given the privilege - and the responsibility - to take a seat alongside The Creator and to participate in co-creating our world.
If we pay close attention, we will see that all of creation - including each and every (human or otherwise) being - is an incredibly beautiful masterpiece. In fact, each of us is, by design, an unfinished masterpiece waiting to be revealed in all its beauty and grandeur.
It is up to us to do the work - to shed the many layers of conditioning, trauma, defenses, stories to uncover the masterpiece that often remains hidden underneath it all. To break free from all our self-created rules that hold back our wings within the prisons of our own minds.
For that - we must first want it. And, we have to want it so bad that we are willing to surrender… to life. Let it flow through us in all its magic. Our job then is to shed layers. Like Michaelangelo chiseling away to reveal his David.
We must relentlessly work away at shedding all identifications, to become hollow bones and the best channels we can for life to happen through us. It is then that our true selves shine through, and we realize our full potential. Not by brute force - but by the grace and magic of surrender.
At TANDAV, we believe Yoga is one of the most profound and effective tools to do this work - and it is available to each and every one of us.
TANDAV offers a unique way of experiencing Yoga. One that is by no means new, but is far less known in our modern world.
TANDAV (tandava in Sanskrit) is Cosmic Dance. It is the dance between all dualities: nothing and everything, stillness and chaos, blissful and terrifying, feminine and masculine. It is the dance of all creation. It is the dance of life.
It is the dance of Shiva, the very first Yogi (therefore also referred to as the AdiYogi). Though closely associated with Hindu culture and faith, Shiva predates religion. He is first and foremost a Yogi.
Yoga (which is Sanskrit for union) by definition transcends all boundaries, religious or otherwise.
The Experience
TANDAV is a path to experience Yoga through surrender, intensity, and balance. It is a spiritual journey incorporating traditional yogic teachings with music, movement, and stillness. It is an opportunity to flow, to listen to your body’s intelligence. To connect with and express what is present freely within a safe and structured container.
(Willingness to) Surrender:
An important and necessary component of the TANDAV experience is surrender. This can be challenging and is a practice one cultivates over time. It does not need to be perfect and never will be - but we do need you to be willing and committed to letting go. To trust the process. To trust your process.
TANDAV is a spiritual journey. It is not affiliated with any religion and does not require you to believe anything. In fact, yoga is about experiencing, not believing. But it does require that you have an open mind to the possibility of a force bigger than yourself. Call it Spirit, Universe, Creator, or even simply (The) Process, Intelligence. So long as you have the slightest openness to this possibility, we invite you to come experience for yourself the magic of surrender and connecting with The Divine Intelligence that is present in all creation. That resides within you. Your Inner Teacher, that alone has all the answers you seek.
A defining characteristic of TANDAV is intensity. Through intense physical movement and intention, our minds can come to stillness. It is in stillness where the core of our being resides. It is the kernel of who we are; the source of our power and wisdom. This is Yoga.
Cultivating balance is a practice. TANDAV is about balancing movement with stillness, sound with silence, the masculine with the feminine, giving with receiving, inner with outer work. We do this with the help of many tools - music, movement, stillness, mantras - with the ultimate goal of touching stillness, which is the core of our very being.
Who this is for
TANDAV is for seekers. Folks who are committed to understanding themselves and growing into their full potential. It is for folks who have experienced the deep pain of ‘not knowing’, are willing to surrender, and are committed to doing the work.
It is for folks who understand the incredible wisdom, power, and joy that unfolds when we experience stillness. Folks who have perhaps tried (hard) to cultivate a meditation practice through the many wonderful modalities available, but haven’t found one that has consistently worked for them.
Folks who feel they are too restless or have too much energy for seated meditation. Even folks who, at some level, fear that meditation will make them ‘boring’.
Folks who enjoy ecstatic dance and movement, but are also intrigued about what moving in a space with a balance between structure and flow might offer. Folks who are deeply touched by music and the medicine it carries.
TANDAV is an opportunity to try a lesser-known path to experiencing stillness - and therefore, yoga - through a playful yet deep and impactful process. It offers much healing and empowerment for those that are committed and willing to surrender and trust the process.
We don’t claim to have answers - you are the only one who does. We are simply here to share something we believe is deeply profound and has been instrumental in our own growth (and continues to be). If any of this at all intrigues you, we invite you to join us on this journey and see if it works for you.
TANDAV is hosted by Sandeep Gandhi, a fellow-traveler and a practicing yogi, who has received much healing and transformation from his own practice and wishes to share that with all who feel called to it.
Sandeep is a Master Yoga Teacher with over 800 hours of training in the Himalayan Kriya and Kundalini Yoga tradition. He has had the privilege of training directly under Master Yogis in the Himalayas, the birthplace of Yoga.